Closing time
This map (from the Swing State Project) shows the closing times for polls throughout the USA (click on the map to view large version).

Keep an eye on Indiana, a traditionally deep red state where the race is now more or less tied. When the polls close there - at 6pm eastern - we may have the first solid indication of how the race will turn out. If McCain wins handily, the race will probably be quite close. If McCain wins in a squeaker, it's a good sign for Obama. If Obama ekes out a victory here, it looks very bad for McCain.

Keep an eye on Indiana, a traditionally deep red state where the race is now more or less tied. When the polls close there - at 6pm eastern - we may have the first solid indication of how the race will turn out. If McCain wins handily, the race will probably be quite close. If McCain wins in a squeaker, it's a good sign for Obama. If Obama ekes out a victory here, it looks very bad for McCain.