Bombing Iran - Goliath vs. David, not the other way around
I'm with Larison:
As it was in the year before the invasion of Iraq, we continue to treat the significantly weaker state as the irrational aggressor that must be stopped. Meanwhile, we calmly ponder how the U.S. or Israel will launch aerial sneak attacks...The inability to see any point of view but one's own is deeply unfortunate in personal life, but potentially catastrophic in geo-politics.
Preventive war is nothing other than wanton aggression, and the governments that wage such wars are committing grave crimes. What is worse is that, in the case of Iran, it would be aggression that does not even achieve its intended goal. If Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons now, an aggressive war against Iran would give hard-liners the justification they need to start pursuing them. If Iran is actually pursuing them, an attack merely delays the inevitable while making rapprochement in the future virtually impossible.