
Showing posts from October, 2008

Of Hedgehogs and Foxes

Note to Republicans:

Through the looking glass, darkly

What was that all about?

The conservative case for Obama

Grover Norquist is FUNNY!

The Agony of Montana



Powell Endorses Obama

"In this economy, racism is officially a luxury."

"Barack" is actually Swahili for "That one"

Say what??

New York, October 15, 2008

Hat Trick

Powell to endorse Obama (?)

Smile when you say that - again

My, my, my

Andy Griffith IS Sarah Palin IN...

It's not just the economy, smart guy

Note to Sam

Paul Krugman Wins Economics Nobel


Packer is on the ball

Mindless journalistic "balance"

Cui bono?


Perspective from an old-time conservative

Worser and worser

What the hell is McCain doing in Wisconsin?

McCain's Mortgage Plan

Smile when you say that

Veterans' Affairs

"Our destiny is not written for us, it's written by us"

About those ten town hall meetings that never happened

On winning and losing

Second debate - my first take

Missouri: portrait of a swinging state

Oh, please.

the VP debate: on winning and losing

July 1992 : Darra Adam Khel, Pakistan